Bertram Katzung

Professor Emeritus

Email: katzung1 / comcast, net

513 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0450
Med Sciences Building
San Francisco, CA 94143-0450

Phone: 415 476-3992

Fax: 415 502-2467

Cardiac electropharmacology and physiology.

Dr. Katzung received his M.D. degree from State University of New York, Syracuse in 1957 and the Ph.D. in Pharmacology from University of California, San Francisco in 1962. After internship at Moffitt Hospital, he joined the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (now CMP) at UCSF in 1958 and the faculty in 1962. He was Acting Chair of the Department from 1978 to 1981. His research focused on cardiac function, especially cardiac cellular electrical activity, as affected by drugs, including digitalis and antiarrhythmic agents.

Teaching: Dr. Katzung directed the Department’s teaching program for all professional students from 1972 through 1995. Since retirement, he has continued (on recall) to teach medical students.