Congratulations to CMP Faculty Kevan Shokat for being chosen to chair Turning Point Therapeutics scientific advisory board.

Read the Press Release here

Kevan Shokat, PhD , professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

Kevan Shokat’s Lab Research in our laboratory is focused on the discovery of new small molecule tools and drug candidates targeting protein/lipid kinases, GTPases, and RNA helicases. We utilize the tools of synthetic organic chemistry, protein engineering, structural biology, biochemistry and cell biology. In oncology and neurodegenerative diseases we focus primarily on targets in pathways which have been validated by human genetics such as the lipid kinase PIK3CA mutants (20% of human tumors), the first human oncogene—the GTPase–KRAS, the metabolic and growth factor sensitive kinase mTOR, the mitochondrial kinase, PINK1 (Parkinson’s Disease), the kinase Lrrk2 (Parkinson’s Disease).